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  1. 首先,和正常配置SSH Server一样,在WSL内配置好
    1. 这里有个建议,把端口改了,22端口暴露出去不知道会不会有权限的问题,而且Windows宿主机也可能开了SSH服务,22端口会冲突
  2. 端口映射:让我们能从外部连接到WSL内部,以下使用PowerShell (Admin)
    1. wsl hostname -I (Get your WSL IP address)
    2. netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=2222 listenaddress= connectport=2222 connectaddress=<WSL_IP_ADDRESS> (Set up port forwarding, 2222是之前设定的端口)
    3. 完成这一步之后呢,就可以在本机连接到WSL了(用localhost)
  3. 配置防火墙(以下内容来源:https://github.com/ajithmoola/wsl-ssh-guide
    1. Open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
    2. Click on “Inbound Rules” and then “New Rule”.
    3. Choose “Port” and click Next.
    4. Select “TCP” and enter “2222” for the port number.
    5. Allow the connection and apply the rule to all profiles.
    6. Name the rule (e.g., “WSL SSH”) and finish the wizard.
  4. 从外部连接到WSL:
    1. IP是Windows的IP
    2. 用户名是wsl的用户名
    3. 使用p参数指定端口,端口是自己设定的端口(上述命令设定的是2222)
/var/www/DokuWikiStick/dokuwiki/data/pages/软件/linux/在wsl上配置ssh.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/01 05:25 by zhonghui